WILD FLORIDA | Brand Awareness + OOH Advertising

Florida isn’t just about the unusual; it’s a wildlife haven. Wild Florida cranks up the adventure with a drive-thru safari in Kenansville, FL, offering raw, up-close encounters like never before. Our Out-of-home campaign for Wild Florida pushes boundaries in their advertising to help market these encounters for their airboat rides and animal exhibits, prompting an memorable adventure for the family.

With an equally inviting, yet daring headline, and striking visuals, our campaign borrows from the thrilling “don’t show the monster” film technique to present the animals in a bold and unforgettable manner. We enhanced these billboard-breaking illusions with expansive extensions, connecting even across separate billboards. To amplify the impact, we incorporated backlit lighting for our gator beast, creating a truly immersive and eye-catching spectacle.

Creative Direction / Design / Advertising / Out of Home / Extensions /
Lighting / Copy Writing / Mobile Ads


FENCE OUTLET | OOH Advertising


LUCKY F*CK | Brand Awareness + Product Advertising